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HKMU News Centre Liberal & Creative Arts

Liberal & Creative Arts

22 Dec 2023

The School of Arts and Social Sciences of Hong Kong Metropolitan University signed MoUs with two schools of universities in China to foster collaboration

The School of Arts and Social Sciences at Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) recently established collaborative partnerships by signing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with two esteemed schools of universities in China. These agreements were forged with the School of Humanities at Shanghai Normal University, and the College of Liberal Arts at Shanghai University. The primary objective of these collaborations is to jointly nurture and cultivate talents in the fields of literature and creative writing....

12 Dec 2023

Literary works of MA in Creative Writing students published

The literary works of a graduate and a student from the Master of Arts in Creative Writing programme were recently published in different channels. Fresh graduate Jiang Feng's experimental novel Hushtopia (噓托邦) was published in October 2023. It tells of an explorer who dies when trying to escape from a palace that he has mistakenly entered in the desert. His experience then attracts others to visit the desert and start their adventures. In the story, Jiang Feng adopts various cultural elements including Chinese classics such as the Yijing, Shijing, Book of Han, Journey to the West and Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, as well as the paintings of Manet, Caravaggio, Odilon Redon and Anselm Kiefer to reproduce the aura of classical art....

7 Dec 2023

Dr Benson Tong of School of Arts and Social Sciences recognised for research work on sinology and creative writing

Dr Benson Tong Tsz-ben of the School of Arts and Social Science has recently received two paper awards in a row. The first one was a Young Scholar Award for his work presented at the 14th International Conference on Sinological Research of East Asia, titled “A Research and Analysis of the Biography Writing of Wang Anshi in Modern China and Its Historical Memories and Individual Consciousness”...

7 Dec 2023

Creative Writing Assistant Professor Dr Shao Dong's work selected in the final list of Blancpain-Imaginist Literary Prize

Dr Shawn Shao Dong, Assistant Professor in the School of Arts and Social Sciences and Acting Head of Creative Arts, published his first short story collection, Air Guitar (空氣吉他), last summer. Since then, the work has won much critical acclaim...

4 Dec 2023

HKMU to open up new research directions in Chinese mythology by exploring the digitisation of mythical creatures

Chinese mythology plays an important role in Chinese culture. In the digital age, it has become a medium connecting traditional culture with the future, and bridging China with the rest of the world. The Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities (RIDCH) of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) initiated a research project to explore how mythical creatures in Chinese mythology, folklore and legends, such as Qiongqi, Dijiang, and Nine-tailed Fox, have been presented to the public in brand-new ways through digitisation, and to open up new directions in the study of Chinese mythology....

27 Nov 2023

HKMU scholar explores new research frontiers by adapting digital humanities technology to study classical literature

Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) is committed to preserving and promoting Chinese culture through academic research. Dr Gary Tsang Chi-chung, Assistant Professor of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, has opened up new frontiers in the Ci study of the Republican China period (1911–1949) by utilising innovative scholarly big data to study the Ci annotations published during that period. This research methodology can also be applied to other classical literary genres of the Republican China period, such as poetry and prose, contributing to the advancement and transformation of academic research paradigms....

7 Nov 2023

Renowned filmmaker Mr Wai Ka-fai attends HKMU “Film and Life Series” film screening activity

HKMU Department of Humanities, Language and Translation of School of Arts and Social Sciences has organised the “Film and Life Series” activities from October to November, in which six Chinese and foreign films have been selected for screening, with post-event talks arranged to invite participating students to explore the philosophy of life, and to rethink their lives....

26 Sep 2023

HKMU academic develops HK's first free-of-charge, one-stop Extended Reality mobile app Empowering students to master interpretation and public speaking with no time and space constraints

Simultaneous interpretation and public speaking both emphasise on-the-spot reaction. However, it's not an easy task to provide students with real-life interpreting and speaking scenarios for practice. Therefore, Dr Venus Chan, Assistant Professor in the School of Arts and Social Sciences of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), led a team to develop the “XR MALL” interactive mobile app, which combines Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies to offer immersive simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation and public-speaking scenarios on a smartphone...

11 Sep 2023

Creative Writing and Film Arts student works published in Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly

The works of three students of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts programme were recently published in a local literary magazine Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly. The three year two students: Chan Chung-hang, Lo Sing-tung and Lam Ka-yi were passionate about literary writing and their creative works “Wrong Number (打錯了)”, “Goodbye, Chi-hang (再見之行)” and “Nobody knows (不為人知)” respectively were published in the magazine's “Students' Works Selection of 'Hong Kong Metropolitan University Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts Programme'”....

22 Aug 2023

HKMU and HKLSS conduct a study on dementia risks to encourage healthy diet among lower-educated groups and enhance public education

With the global ageing population, including that in Hong Kong, the well-being of older adults has emerged as a significant social issue. The prevalence of common illnesses among older adults, particularly dementia, is a major societal concern....






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