News Centre


17 Jul 2020

Student of Master of Philosophy receives Best Paper Award

Student of Master of Philosophy receives Best Paper Award Awardee :...

16 Jul 2020

OUHK Creative Arts Graduation Show embodies students' talent in creative arts

Over 100 creative pieces of works by more than 300 graduating students from the creative arts undergraduate programmes of the School of Arts and Social...

13 Jul 2020

School of S&T tasked with testing face masks and disinfectants

The School of Science and Technology was commissioned to test six common face masks and six disinfectant products, aiming to establish whether bacterial filtration efficiency could be affected by heat or humidity....

9 Jul 2020

OUHK hosts the Virtual Information Day

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) will host the Virtual Information Day online from 15 July (Wednesday) to 17 July (Friday) to allow students...

6 Jul 2020

OUHK sets aside more than HKD 20 million for a one-off special relief fund
to subsidize all students studying at the University in 2020/21 academic year

Hong Kong economy has been severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to support the students to go through this difficult time and...

26 Jun 2020

OUHK 30 Years of Education and Innovation Video seizes Grand Award in global competition

The University’s video titled ‘OUHK 30 Years of Education and Innovation’ hit a winning streak in 2020 Questar Awards. It has achieved the Grand Award under...

24 Jun 2020

攜手推動粵港澳大灣區建設及發展 (in Chinese)

香港公開大學(公大)於今日(6月24日)通過雲端連線參加了在廣州舉辦的粵港澳大灣區信息資訊中心揭牌儀式暨產品發佈會。活動由廣東省推進粵港澳大灣區建設領導小組辦公室和南方報業傳媒集團聯合主辦,省統計局、省港澳辦、省政務服務數據管理局、省委黨校擔任支援單位,珠三角九市大灣區辦協辦。 粵港澳大灣區信息資訊中心(中心)旨在集中各方智慧、凝聚各方力量,為廣東省推進粵港澳大灣區建設工作提供決策資訊服務、宣傳推廣服務和決策諮詢服務。中心將通過數據、資訊等領域從宏觀發展層面開展深入研究,將會為粵港澳大灣區建設提供具有數據化、資訊化特性的高品質及高水準的智庫服務。 ...

24 Jun 2020

OU scholar receives Best Presentation Award in an online international conference

Conference: 2020 The 6th International Conference on...

23 Jun 2020

Visit by Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools

Members of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools visited the OUHK on 23 June 2020 for a fruitful exchange on university admission,...

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