News Centre


26 Mar 2020


活動: 大中華視野下文創產業的機遇 學院: 人文社會科學院 詳情: 香港公開大學人文社會科學院創意藝術學系及田家炳中華文化中心就「大中華視野下文創產業的機遇」活動,邀得數位學院教授,以網上講座形式分享對創意寫作和文創產業發展的看法。...

24 Mar 2020

Creative Arts students join hands to win the First Runner-up in short film contest

Creative Arts students join hands to win the First Runner-up in short film contest...

20 Mar 2020

OUHK prepares COVID-19 Protection Packs to serve the community

Activity: Fight Against Virus in Unity and Love 2020 School: School of Nursing...

16 Mar 2020

Creative Writing student's fiction gets published in literary journal

Creative Writing student’s fiction gets published in literary journal Student :...

10 Mar 2020

Animation and Visual Effects graduates seize another notable prize with award-winning animation

Animation and Visual Effects graduates seize another notable prize with award-winning animation Awardees...

2 Mar 2020

The OUHK announces the appointment of Prof. Lui Yu Hon as Vice President

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) announced today (2 March) the appointment of Prof. Lui Yu-Hon as Vice President (Resources & Development) with effect...

2 Mar 2020

Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition...

2 Mar 2020

Embracing applied research for social good

As hubs of knowledge-building and dissemination, universities are nurturing grounds of not only the next generation of elites and leaders, but also of knowledge itself. Parallel to the vast expansion of the full-time education mission, the OUHK is enthusiastic to strengthen its research ability. In line with its ethos of serving society, the OUHK emphasizes the value of research in bringing insights and solutions to issues of public concern....

26 Feb 2020

Chinese Language student's literary work on Hong Kong women wins accolade

Chinese Language student's literary work on Hong Kong women wins accolade Awardee...

17 Feb 2020

Creative Arts student's work attains recognition at "The 7th Global Youth Chinese Literary Award"

Creative Arts student's work attains recognition at "The 7th Global Youth Chinese Literary Award"...






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