News Centre


21 Apr 2023

HKMU signs MOU with Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong for talent development for the hospitality and tourism industry

The Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) and Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support...

20 Apr 2023

Nursing school research shows generational gap in views of first-line nursing management competencies as critical factor in talent retention

HKMU researchers found that young nurses are interested in a healthy work-life balance and are less willing to be promoted because of concern about a heavier workload. This and discrepancies among different generations of nurses regarding the essential elements of managerial effectiveness are possible factors for the manpower shortage in the nursing sector....

13 Apr 2023

HKMU researchers find new way to alleviate wireless network congestion

HKMU researchers recently developed an algorithm that significantly improves the performance of wireless network transmission and alleviates network congestion caused by a large number of connected devices. The research result provides insights into the network industry in developing the next generation of wireless networks....

6 Apr 2023

School of Education and Languages students win outstanding prospective teachers awards

Five students from the School of Education and Languages won prizes in the 10th Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award co-organised by the Hong Kong Prospective Teachers Association and the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association....

4 Apr 2023

Creative Advertising and Media Design students win HK4As Student's Awards

Students of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design programme won the Best Craft of Copy award in the Kam Fan Awards – HK4As Students' Award 2022. Under the theme of the competition “Don't Feed Wild Boars”, four Year 3 students...

2 Apr 2023

HKMU and AMS sign an MoU to promote innovation in the medical field

Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) and Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today (2 April) marking the official launch of a series of academic collaborations between...

28 Mar 2023

Creative Writing student selected as contract writer for China Natural Resources Writers Association and wins several literary awards

With his outstanding talent in writing, Fan Qingqi, student of the Master of Arts in Creative Writing programme, has been selected as one of the 4th assemblage of contract writers for the China Natural Resources Writers Association (CNRWA)....

28 Mar 2023

Student volunteers join hands with visually impaired athletes in a darts tournament to promote inclusion

Good vision and concentration is indispensable for playing darts well. One may find it hard to believe that people with visual impairment can also play darts well....

27 Mar 2023

Business School students crowned Champion in CILTHK Student Day 2023

Five students of the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration took part in the CILTHK Student Day 2023 organised by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong. Participants were required to analyse a transport and logistics related case,...

24 Mar 2023

HKMU endeavours to promote knowledge transfer and research on Cantonese opera and the inheritance of Chinese culture

HKMU has always been committed to promoting Chinese culture, and the preservation and promotion of Cantonese opera has been one of the University’s research areas in recent years. The School of Arts and Social Sciences is devoted to enhancing the promotion and knowledge transfer of Cantonese opera culture through various means. In addition to organising seminars and lectures, the School also offer the General Education course Cantonese Opera Culture: Appreciation and Experience to encourage students to explore the history and culture of Cantonese opera....






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