OUHK receives recognition in promoting campus wellness

News OUHK receives recognition in promoting campus wellness

OUHK receives recognition in promoting campus wellness

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HKMU News Centre Awards & Prizes OUHK receives recognition in promoting campus wellness

OUHK receives recognition in promoting campus wellness


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The OUHK is awarded Exercise is Medicine® On Campus – Bronze Campus 2021 in recognition of the University's effort to enhance health and fitness amongst students and staff.

Exercise is Medicine® On Campus is an international health initiative launched by the American College of Sports Medicine, encouraging universities and colleges to promote physical activity as a vital sign of health.

The OUHK strives to promote healthy living and wellness as an integral part of whole person education for students and other members in the campus community. The University offers a wide range of sports and wellness activities to students and staff. Despite all unprecedented challenges brought by the pandemic in the last two years, the University managed to offer over 70 sports and fitness activities and education programmes to around 1, 800 participants.

The OUHK is awarded Exercise is Medicine® On Campus – Bronze Campus 2021 in recognition of the University's effort to enhance health and fitness amongst students and staff.

Exercise is Medicine® On Campus is an international health initiative launched by the American College of Sports Medicine, encouraging universities and colleges to promote physical activity as a vital sign of health.

The OUHK strives to promote healthy living and wellness as an integral part of whole person education for students and other members in the campus community. The University offers a wide range of sports and wellness activities to students and staff. Despite all unprecedented challenges brought by the pandemic in the last two years, the University managed to offer over 70 sports and fitness activities and education programmes to around 1, 800 participants.








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