Picture book by Creative Arts students published

News Picture book by Creative Arts students published

Picture book by Creative Arts students published

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HKMU News Centre Picture book by Creative Arts students published

Picture book by Creative Arts students published


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Edited by Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture of HKMU School of Arts and Social Sciences, a picture book, A Story of the Manner Cat, was officially published in March. All the illustrations in the book are created by the four HKMU students of the Animation and Visual Effects programme. Through the story of a stray cat searching for food to introduce the dining etiquette and rituals of the Zhou Dynasty, and to restore the scene of ancient diet.

This book is the latest product of the Chinese Etiquette Animation Project, a collaboration between the HKMU Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture and the Institute of Chinese Classics Studies of Tsinghua University launched in 2018 with the aim of promoting traditional Chinese etiquette in an innovative way.  The book comes with a DVD containing five animations of Chinese etiquette, which complement the content of the picture book. It allow readers to easily understand the traditional and modern applications of etiquette.

A Story of the Manner Cat is now available on different platforms and bookstores:
My Book One: https://bit.ly/3i0PmaS
Showwe: https://store.showwe.tw/books.aspx?b=135187
Gov Books: https://www.govbooks.com.tw/books/135187
books.com.tw: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010917956
Eslite: https://www.eslite.com/product/1001132352682135736009

Edited by Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture of HKMU School of Arts and Social Sciences, a picture book, A Story of the Manner Cat, was officially published in March. All the illustrations in the book are created by the four HKMU students of the Animation and Visual Effects programme. Through the story of a stray cat searching for food to introduce the dining etiquette and rituals of the Zhou Dynasty, and to restore the scene of ancient diet.

This book is the latest product of the Chinese Etiquette Animation Project, a collaboration between the HKMU Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture and the Institute of Chinese Classics Studies of Tsinghua University launched in 2018 with the aim of promoting traditional Chinese etiquette in an innovative way.  The book comes with a DVD containing five animations of Chinese etiquette, which complement the content of the picture book. It allow readers to easily understand the traditional and modern applications of etiquette.

A Story of the Manner Cat is now available on different platforms and bookstores:
My Book One: https://bit.ly/3i0PmaS
Showwe: https://store.showwe.tw/books.aspx?b=135187
Gov Books: https://www.govbooks.com.tw/books/135187
books.com.tw: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010917956
Eslite: https://www.eslite.com/product/1001132352682135736009








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