Visits by community leaders

News Visits by community leaders

Visits by community leaders

News Centre

HKMU News Centre Visits by community leaders

Visits by community leaders


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In the past weeks, some community leaders visited the University and toured the advanced teaching and learning facilities as well as well-equipped student amenities.  President Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing received them and had fruitful exchanges with the guests.
Dr the Hon. Priscilla Leung Mei-fun and Prof. the Hon. Lau Chi-pang who are the Chairman and Member of Panel on Education of the Legislative Council of HKSAR visited HKMU on 13 October and 3 November respectively. Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, Member of The Town Planning Board also paid a visit on 31 October. On 7 November, Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan, Director and General Manager of Myer Jewelry Manufacturer Limited, came and learned about our research projects related to Chinese cultures. Chairman Dr Simon Siu Miu-man and some senior officials from the Building Healthy Kowloon City Association Limited also visited the University on 25 November.

In the past weeks, some community leaders visited the University and toured the advanced teaching and learning facilities as well as well-equipped student amenities.  President Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing received them and had fruitful exchanges with the guests.
Dr the Hon. Priscilla Leung Mei-fun and Prof. the Hon. Lau Chi-pang who are the Chairman and Member of Panel on Education of the Legislative Council of HKSAR visited HKMU on 13 October and 3 November respectively. Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, Member of The Town Planning Board also paid a visit on 31 October. On 7 November, Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan, Director and General Manager of Myer Jewelry Manufacturer Limited, came and learned about our research projects related to Chinese cultures. Chairman Dr Simon Siu Miu-man and some senior officials from the Building Healthy Kowloon City Association Limited also visited the University on 25 November.








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