Chapter I
Towards a new generation

Like every progressive institution, HKMU has its eyes fixed firmly on the future. With a clear view of where it wants to be in the next five years, the University has embarked on some bold moves for change. They include a large-scale Academic Reform, multiple initiatives to drive research and knowledge transfer, moves to expand international connections, and a comprehensive Strategic Plan to define and shape the direction of its developments.

Staying at the forefront

Over the past year, HKMU has made significant progress on a major Academic Reform initiative to modernise its curricula and remap all its courses under a three-credit-unit denomination framework. This realignment will bring the University fully into line with local and global university norms and promote internationalisation. HKMU is also helping to shape the conversation on the hot topic of ChatGPT and AI in student learning and assessment, launching its own ChatGPT Web Portal (GPT-4.0) in staff and student versions. Elsewhere, campus facilities have continued to be upgraded and programme offerings revised and updated to match latest industry standards.

Pushing for innovation

In March 2023, the University Council approved the setting up of a HKMU Startup Fund of HK$50 million, to provide seed funding for startups established by students, staff or alumni looking to launch businesses or turn research concepts into commercial solutions. The fund is overseen by the University's wholly owned subsidiary, HKMU Research Development and Consultancy Limited (HKMURDC). This and similar initiatives are helping to realise our commitment to fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation within the HKMU community.

Transferring knowledge to the world

In recent years, HKMU has taken major steps towards building a strong research profile. In 2023 we went further by establishing a new Patent Committee, tasked with assessing research projects with commercial potential and helping staff and student inventors to apply for patents. With its first batch of patent applications already filed, the committee is further streamlining the essential process of knowledge transfer from university to society, and consolidating HKMU's reputation as a productive research environment.

Building meaningful networks

To enrich our connections with industry, we have set up an Industry Partnerships and Student Development Committee tasked with exploring and organising opportunities for our students and faculty to work with different industries to expand their professional development. In light of our growing alumni community, in September 2022 we established the HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA) to help build close lifelong relationships with alumni through an array of activities, benefits, services and communication channels. Alongside this is the HKMU Foundation, scheduled for launch on 1 September 2023, which will provide a formal platform for recognising the University's dedicated donors and engaging with them in a sustainable way. The HKMUAA and the HKMU Foundation are administered by the Development and Alumni Affairs Office, newly established in October 2022 to build a connected community in support of the University's development. These initiatives and more are placing HKMU firmly at the heart of important networks of influence.

Going global once more

After years of pandemic isolation, the University has been busy reestablishing its global links over the past year. Staff have taken up visiting fellowships and official University duty visits have resumed, while student field trips and exchange programmes are also in full swing. The result has been an enhancement of HKMU's sense of international connection and global interaction.

Extending the horizon

The University developed its Strategic Plan 2024–2028 during the year, setting out its ambitions and strategic directions for the next five years. With “Extending the Horizon” as the keynote, the plan is centred on the primary functions of education and research and pays special attention to human factors in actualising the University's mission. This guiding principle is translated into six strategic themes:

Cultivating talent

Contributing to the
knowledge world

Building an
outstanding team

Creating an impact
with our partners

Flourishing beyond
physical limits

Promoting a shared vision
with guiding principles