Chapter V
Establishing fruitful partnerships

HKMU is intrinsically connected to our wider society, for which it acts as an essential skills- and knowledge-provider. To fulfil its roles as a servant of society, a knowledge source for industry, a supporter of current and past learners and much more, HKMU has been constantly seeking and forging fruitful partnerships over the year. They are enabling us to make a real difference to the many different stakeholders we serve.

Forging connections with the world

HKMU positions itself as an integral part of the wider community it serves. To build strong networks with this community, it recently established the Industry Partnerships and Student Development Committee. This body is tasked with identifying models that will deliver mutual benefits to the University and organisations that work with it, and creating collaborations with industries that will lead to better learning experiences and more effective professional development for our students. The Committee is also actively identifying funding and support for research and industry projects that will have a positive social impact, and working to create upskilling and reskilling opportunities for participating organisations. Some of the fruits of this work can be seen in the range of MOU partnerships signed in the past year.

Highlights of external partnerships

Generous donations help realise the HKMU mission

Much of the University's work serving the community is driven by donations from individuals and bodies. A donation highlight of the year was that made by Dr Ina Ho Chan Un-chan, Founder of the Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe, towards the establishment of HKMU's new Ina Ho Cantonese Opera Research Centre. Dr Ho's generous gift sets the stage for a Research Centre that will significantly advance Cantonese opera research, translation and education and promote Cantonese opera more widely to local and overseas audiences. In addition, our alumna Dr Katie Shu Sui-pui has extended her care for her alma mater through a generous donation to upgrade her existing endowment fund, which is providing sustainable resources for the University's development. These are just two examples of many displays of generosity towards the University in the year, all of which are enabling it to push forward with its mission in multiple areas.

Major donations

Connecting with donors

These recent donations, and many more over the years, have helped transform the University and boost student development. In recognition of this, and to thank its major donors for their generosity, HKMU organised a Scholarships and Awards Gala in July 2023. The event enabled awarded students to interact with the donors who, in many cases, had funded or supported their awards and scholarships. It also enabled donors to see how their contributions to the University were helping to shape and support bright young talents with the potential to change the world. As a next step, the University is launching the HKMU Foundation on 1 September 2023, to further strengthen our fundraising capabilities and engage our friends, supporters and alumni in a sustainable manner.

Alumni bonding

As HKMU's alumni community grows, the importance for HKMU of maintaining ties with them and tapping into their life achievements has also increased. To do this better, we have set up the HKMU Alumni Association, a centralised body that serves and brings together all the University's alumni groups and alumni. The University has also set up a new Development and Alumni Affairs Office, to act as a fundraiser and to boost connections with alumni in order to generate resources and support for HKMU's long-term development.

Serving our society well

Training and education for the wider community

HKMU aims to improve our society, including by contributing to training and education for the wider community. One of the educational services we offer is corporate training. For instance, the School of Education and Languages recently designed a three-month Postgraduate Certificate in Training Management and Development programme for training officers of the Correctional Services Department (CSD). An MOU signed with the CSD has also seen the University working to promote higher education and self-enhancement learning for persons in custody, including enhanced financial assistance, credit transfers and programme articulation. Elsewhere, a grant of HK$23.1 million from the Quality Education Fund is enabling HKMU to transform the Open English textbook series that it developed in-house into an interactive multimedia system. This will offer an engaging and dynamic English learning environment for students at Hong Kong primary and secondary schools through blended teaching and self-directed learning.

Parent education at LiPACE

Drawing on its special links with local communities and its experience in community education under the Capacity Building Mileage Programme, LiPACE has embarked on a new project, the HKMU Parenting Hub. One highlight of the project is a special parenting seminar series that takes experts into transitional housing communities to share knowledge and parenting tips with grassroots families. Under the Parenting Hub, LiPACE has also launched a general parenting seminar series that features celebrities discussing popular parenting topics, broadcast on the Knowledge for All TV programme. Another valuable LiPACE initiative has been its Together Health broadcasts, a series of talks aimed at educating ethnic minority families on important public health issues.

Sports and wellness for all ages

Since 2020 the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration has been running its own five-year programme “Beyond Sports: Nurturing Future Entrepreneurs and Healthy Lifestyle Families”. With the easing of pandemic restrictions this year, the programme has surged ahead with a full array of sports and wellness activities for secondary school students and the elderly, hosted by the School's own Sports and Recreation Management students.

Promoting community health

The School of Nursing and Health Studies continued its Home Health Watch Programme. This meaningful programme trains community health volunteers who work for organisations in support of the elderly, those suffering from chronic diseases, people recovering from mental illnesses and people with disabilities. This year, the programme adopted the theme of “Final Wishes” to focus on supporting people looking to volunteer in hospices. Meanwhile, with the opening of the new HKMU Physiotherapy Centre in December 2022, the School also took the opportunity to launch a series of health education events to showcase the clinic's exceptional facilities.

HKMU volunteers help out across Hong Kong

The Student Affairs Office has an impressive track record of running service-learning programmes. New initiatives in the year included the BUN RUN Programme, which saw students collect and distribute surplus bread for homeless people and street cleaners in Hong Kong, and the White Cane Programme, under which students helped visually impaired people get involved in sports. Another significant endeavour was the Best Buddies Programme, run in collaboration with Fu Hong Society, which gave students the chance to interact and build long-term friendships with people with intellectual disabilities. These activities saw HKMU recognised as a Caring School 2022 in the Hong Kong Volunteer Award, organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service. Meanwhile, the School of Open Learning's active volunteer team, V-Power, organised activities such as the clean-up of a popular hiking trail, visits to elderly centres, and a visit to a special school during the year.

Honouring distinguished leaders

Like most universities, HKMU has an established tradition of recognising distinguished individuals who have made their marks in diverse fields. These are individuals who epitomise qualities such as the spirit of commitment and hard work, entrepreneurial vision, community engagement and care for society, all qualities we want our students to value and aspire to.

In December, HKMU bestowed Honorary Doctorates on a select group of distinguished persons in recognition of their inspirational lifetime achievements (first picture from right). Former Chairman of the Construction Industry Council Mr Chan Ka-kui was one, recognised for his immense contributions to Hong Kong's construction industry over the years. A second recipient was Dr Charles Chen Yidan, renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, and the founder of several distinguished prizes that foster education. A third Honorary Doctorate was bestowed on Ms Katie Shu Sui-pui, a successful businesswoman and generous HKMU donor whose Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust and Katie Shu Sui Pui Endowment Fund are opening doors for new generations of students. The fourth recipient was Prof. Joseph Ting Sun-pao, a well-known historian of Chinese and Hong Kong history, who has been instrumental in developing Hong Kong's museum scene over the years. The final Honorary Doctorate went to Mr Peter Wan Kam-to, a distinguished certified public accountant who has played an important role in advancing his profession, working closely with many organisations (including HKMU) to enhance the quality of their financial management.

HKMU also recognised four new Honorary Fellows in the year for the contributions they have made to social, educational and technological advancement (second picture from left). Managing Director of Applied Technology Integration Limited, Ir Dr Alex Chan Siu-kun, is a former Chairman of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, whose achievements included developing the mechanism underpinning the implementation of the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework. Mr Eugene Liu, Managing Partner of RSM Hong Kong, has made his mark in public accounting, and has been especially supportive of talent development at HKMU. Dr Allen Shi Lop-tak, is a noted entrepreneur who is President of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong and former President of the Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Foundation, organisations which have been highly supportive of local universities. Finally, Mrs Maria Sung Law Man-kwan founded Holy Café Training Centre, a social enterprise that provides job opportunities and training for people with disabilities, and is also making life better for the elderly, low-income families, single parents, and people with chronic illnesses.